Six ways to cope with PMS during working hours

25 May 2021 Zydus Healthcare

“Ugh! PMS AGAIN” – Tips to avoid this feeling at work.

Most women experience a tsunami of emotions, physical exertion and confusion after ovulating. This is called premenstrual syndrome or PMS that generally starts one or two weeks earlier than the menstrual date.

PMS can be unmanageable and difficult for some women as they may feel fatigued, irritable and can have mood swings. Some women even find it hard to concentrate on work and to complete daily chores. But if you are dedicated to something, then there should not be anything that stops you.

The widely believed causes of PMS are imbalanced hormonal levels, diet and lifestyle. The good thing is that these symptoms can be coped up with right approach so you can focus on work.

Six ways to cope with PMS during working hours

1. Try to keep a track of your period cycle : When your menstrual cycle begins, keep a track of the date. You can mark it on a handy calendar or any digital apps available so you can estimate the date for next ovulation. Tracking the period cycle makes it easy to manage PMS. Knowing your problem can help easily identify and cope with it instead of getting annoyed at the workplace.

2. Regular exercise and relaxation therapies : A one-hour workout everyday can help detoxify your body and keeps you safe from several health issues. Daily workout also helps deal with PMS symptoms like depression, anxiety, bloating, fatigue and mood swings. It is suggested to take out some time daily to relax the body. It will make you feel happy, confident and better. Exercise is beneficial for the overall functioning of the body. To relax your body you can do yoga, meditation, spa, body oil massage, etc. A relaxed mind and body are more efficient and productive at work.

3. Maintain a healthy diet : If you consume alcohol, it is advisable to avoid it for at least two weeks before your expected menstrual cycle. Also, cut short on intake of sugar, salt and caffeine during your periods. Include fruits and green leafy vegetables in your meals, which shall help keep your mind calm. Also, increase fluid intake such as juice and water that can help ease bloating or dehydration that some women might experience during PMS. Unhealthy eating habits can cause weakness, especially during working hours. Ensure your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

4. Discuss with your boss about your PMS :  PMS is a personal thing and most women are not really comfortable talking about. But, if the symptoms are unmanageable and challenging, it is better to have a word with your employer regarding them. Your boss should be aware that you are not underperforming but going through a particular phase of the month. Your manager might lend a helping hand by easing projects or giving you more time to accomplish certain tasks.

5. Have sufficient sleep : Some ambitious women are so dedicated that they sometimes overwork and lose the track of time leading to insufficient sleep. As an adult, 7 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended to relax your mind and body. Lack of sleep may trigger the worst PMS symptoms leading to irritation and tiredness throughout the day.

6. Take the required medications : PMS symptoms vary from woman to woman. There are more than 150 identified symptoms of PMS. Some women may have mild symptoms, while some may have severe. Women with severe symptoms might be diagnosed with the premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and may need to take a certain medication. A gynecologist may prescribe medicines and supplements to women with PMDD to help them relax in physiological conditions.

PMS are natural and you can deal with them naturally by taking care of yourself and your body. Rest properly, eat healthy food, relax your mind and talk to your colleagues and employer about managing PMS during working hours.

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