A cardiac or diabetic patient in the family, is a signal to rethink on diet and lifestyle – Dr. Nimmi Mulwani, Diabetologist, Ahmedabad

26 Oct 2021 Zydus Healthcare

I would like to share a case of a diabetic patient in my practice. The lady was happily married and was living a great life with her husband. Her children had grown up and settled well with their outstation jobs.

The patient was very regular in her medicines, diet and other lifestyle changes that I had recommended her. I could bring her blood sugar levels in good control within few months. She and her husband continued their follow-ups with me for over 2 years.

One day, I asked her husband to get himself checked for Diabetes and other cardiac parameters due to his receding age. I also had a strong sense that my patient didn’t have healthy lifestyle when she first walked in, probably the husband may have a similar one.

The husband continued to refuse any check-ups and asked me to focus on his wife’s treatment. Suddenly, one day, I hear that the husband died due to cardiac arrest.

I appeal to all family members of patients to monitor their own health too! Only, if the husband would have listened to me, he would also have been alive today!

This story is shared by – Dr. Nimmi Mulwani, Diabetologist, Ahmedabad.

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