A patient’s trust in the doctor can save lives! – Dr. Ramesh Modi, Consultant Physician, Surat

04 Oct 2021 Zydus Healthcare

I have been practicing as Senior Consultant Physician, since last 40 years in Surat and I would like to share an incident that highlights the importance of trust of patients in doctors.

20 years ago, on 15th August morning, I was on my regular rounds at Maskati Dharmarth Hospital. One of the staff approached me for consultation as he was feeling uneasy. He had suffered from malaria around a week back, so he had acid peptic disease, but based on his history, I concluded that this might be Angina Pectoris. I advised an ECG to be done on this patient.

At 11 am the ECG was normal, but based on the patient history and my experience, I could definitely say that this was Angina Pectoris. I advised him to get admitted in the same hospital to be under observation. I requested the attending staff to be more vigilant on this patient.

As I had expected, at 2pm, the attending Medical officer in ICU called me to inform that patient has developed Ventricular Tachycardia, immediately I suggested the treatment on the phone and Ventricular Tachycardia came under control. Patient had no pulse BP for few seconds but after giving DC shock patient was revived completely.

He was discharged after a week’s treatment. Till date, the patient is living a healthy life.

The patient trusted me and was under observation and we could save his life ! I would like to appeal to all to take regular check-ups and follow your doctor’s advice.

This story is shared by – Dr. Ramesh Modi, Consultant Physician, Surat.

2 thoughts on “A patient’s trust in the doctor can save lives! – Dr. Ramesh Modi, Consultant Physician, Surat

    You are a competent trusted & humble physician with a touch of humanity

  1. Congratulations
    on this earth DOCTOR are as good as God
    And sometime for us A sixth sence will survive patient even though clinicaly may not support us

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