All you need to know about Vitiligo!

19 Oct 2021 Zydus Healthcare

Vitiligo is a common pigmentary skin disorder in which white non-scaly patches appear due to disappearance of pigment producing cells called as melanocytes.(1) But vitiligo does not stop a patient from achieving their dreams. There are certain myths in the society such as vitiligo is contagious. The fact is vitiligo does not spread from one person to another. Knowledge and awareness about vitiligo will enable them to cherish every moment of their life and achieve success.

A person with vitiligo should consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible. He/she should adhere to treatment for better outcomes as against opting for alternative treatment modalities.(2,3)

Vitiligo can be effectively treated with suitable treatment and regular follow-ups. Let us know more about vitiligo & its management through the story of a college going girl, Pooja.



1 Rahman R, et al. Exploring vitiligo susceptibility and management: a brief review. Biomed Dermatol. 2018;2:20.

2 NIH. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Health Topics. Vitiligo. Basics.. Accessed on 29th July 2021. Vitiligo Symptoms, Treatment & Causes | NIAMS (

3 Asati DP, et al. A hospital-based study on knowledge and attitude related to vitiligo among adults visiting a tertiary health facility of central India. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2016 Jan-Jun; 7(1):27-32.

Disclaimer: Always seek the advice of your doctor regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any new treatment.

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