Stories To Tell

14 Jan 2022

Speaking his heart out – Dr. Safi Shaikh, Consultant Physician, Ahmedabad

Addressing some of the most common concerns related to healthy lifestyle.

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05 Jan 2022

Financial support to the poor, Help or Burden? – Dr. Naresh M. Shah, Physician, Vadodara

A story about helping and guiding the needy with the intention to reduce their pain.

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20 Oct 2021

A heart-touching experience that changed my perceptions! – Dr. Darshan Chhaya, Consultant Physician, Vadodara

At times, even our long term patients can become irritating with their long list of queries. Here is a story about how m

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11 Oct 2021

Every life is valuable. Take care as a regular practice! – Dr. Vipul Amin, Consultant Physician, Ahmedabad

I see many cases of heart diseases everyday and it really hurts to see people so ignorant about their health. Here is a

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04 Oct 2021

A patient’s trust in the doctor can save lives! – Dr. Ramesh Modi, Consultant Physician, Surat

I have been practicing as Senior Consultant Physician, since last 40 years in Surat and I would like to share a story hi

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