Zydus Discovery


Zydus Discovery, launched in 2013, caters to Diabetology and Cardiology therapy areas. The division launched Lipaglyn as the country’s first-ever NCE and the world’s first approved Glitazar. Lipaglyn is a unique medicine with both lipid and glucose-lowering effects in one single molecule. Its portfolio includes brands such as OLMY, Pivasta, Sugamet and Twincal for Cardiologists, Diabetologists, Endocrinologists and Physicians.

Our Leading Brands

Divisional Achievements

Lipaglyn is the therapy leader in the Hypertriglyceridemia market

Lipaglyn received the "Online Media Innovation - Gold Award" for blowing the whistle against ADD with International Journal of ADD at the 9th ACEF Global Customer Engagement Awards in 2020.

Lipaglyn received the Pharma Leaders Innovative Power Brand of the Year 2019 Award.

Patient Corner

The best type of cooking oils for cardiac patients!

Top oils that keep heart healthy!

25 May 2021
Should you avoid or consume sugar in moderation?

Sugar and consumption!

25 May 2021
Love sweets and can’t eat them? 5 dishes that are safe for diabetics!

Diabetic? Here are five delicious dishes to try!

25 May 2021
See All Division of Zydus Healthcare Limited