How much protein should one consume daily?

25 May 2021 Zydus Healthcare

Over consuming or under consuming Protein?

We know that protein keeps our muscles toned and body fit. But, do you know its over consumption or under consumption could be unfavorable for the body?

A nutritious diet is essential for maintaining a healthy body and preventing the occurrence of chronic disease. Consuming meal rich in protein, in particular, can help rejuvenate body cell, keep the body healthy and working. But, do you know how much protein should one consume daily?

Protein requirement varies from person to person. How much of protein one should consume daily depends upon the lifestyle, gender, age and physical activity of an individual. Everybody follows a different lifestyle and most of us are conscious, but ignorant, of their diet and nutrition intake.

Today’s work culture has led to long seating hours, lack of sleep and fast food consumption. While we are working hard to upgrade our lifestyle, we shouldn’t be ignorant of the functioning of our body.

Sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits reduce our intake of protein and nutrition. According to the Dietary Reference Intake report for macronutrients, a sedentary adult should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Now, you must be wondering how to calculate as how much protein I should take, right? The method is simple and explained in the following paragraph. But, before we jump to discuss as how to calculate protein in your diet, let us first look at some factors to decide how much protein one should consume daily.

  • Protein consumption for the person who wants to lose weight : People working on their body to lose weight, need to take extra care of the type of food they eat. They may have to cut down on carbohydrates and fat intake and to maintain the energy level may need more lean protein. A person performing intense exercise everyday should consume at least 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight everyday. The best time to eat protein is right before and after your workout session so that you can make up for the energy lost during workout.
  • Protein intake for pregnant women : Pregnant women need more protein and therefore most of them, in India particularly, are prescribed with protein supplements as soon as they conceive. They need protein for themselves and for the healthy development of tissue and cell of the baby. Pregnant women should include coconut water, beans, eggs, apples, etc. in their diet. According to Bengaluru researchers, for a gestational weight gain of 10 kg, pregnant Indian women should eat an additional 7.6 grams and 17.6 grams of protein per day during the second (3 – 6 months) and third trimester (6-9 months), respectively. In certain cases, when expecting mothers are unable to eat properly and feel low, a gynaecologist may prescribe some protein medicine or supplements. However, it is best to have protein from fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein intake for athletes : Athlete and sports person require more proteins. Athletes need appropriate proteins for maintaining their strong muscles, body, and strength. Protein helps repair damaged tissues and muscles. However, the protein requirement of athletes mostly depends on their training regime and process. On average, an athlete should consume between 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body per day. According to National Library of Medicine, the intake of protein in athletes depends on lines of how much aerobic-based versus resistance-based activity they must be undertaking. Athletes seeking to gain muscle mass, however, would need higher amounts of dietary protein as compared to their counterparts.

How much protein should I be consuming?

Most people have a myth that protein should be consumed by only those people who want to maintain their bodies and muscles. Well, to your surprise, protein is not just for people pumping their muscles in the gym. Everyone needs protein to maintain healthy body. No matter if you are old, young or child, your body does need protein.

When you are taking protein in right proportion, you may have a lesser urge or crave for snacks between your mealtimes. Including protein in your diet can help in increasing the metabolism of the body and help you lose and maintain desired bodyweight.

As per the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) given by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for Indians, 0.8 to 1 gm protein per kg body weight per day is sufficient to meet the basic nutritional requirements. An effective way to do so would be to ensure that at every meal 1/4th of the plate is filled with protein.

You can also visit the Protein Requirement Calculator by GRD – The Superior Protein or speak to a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Tips to include appropriate amount of protein in your diet

  • Start your day with nuts and seeds
    Start your day with warm water, nuts and seeds as they are rich in vitamins and protein because they help in weight management. They are also good for the digestive system of your body as it helps in proper digestion.
  • Include meat and eggs in your diet (based on your food preferences)
    Meat and eggs are rich sources of protein. Including them in your diet can help boost body’s energy level. Meat is a great source of proteins and vitamins. There is no better way to increase your protein than by including meat in your meal. So, consume chicken twice a week for staying healthy and fit.
  • Include dairy products in your diet
    Including dairy products in your diet is also a good option for staying healthy and fit. Protein with other nutrition and minerals can keep the body fit and going.
  • Include vegetables in your diet
    Ensure to include green vegetables together with dairy products and chicken in your daily routine. Spinach, green peas, broccoli, asparagus and sweet corn are some of the vegetables rich in protein.

Protein works as a fuel to your body. It energies you and keeps the muscle toned. Consuming right amount of protein can help maintain healthy body weight. Protein also helps make antibodies to fight off infection and illness. Vegetables, dairy products, eggs and meat are rich sources of protein. Including them in your daily diet can ensure optimum intake of protein.

References: National Institutes Of Health, The Hindu Newspaper.

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